Modérateurs : DBabar, foolk, Ichimaru
Reversed a écrit :aucun mérite, je porte du S et je suis déja rentré plusieurs fois dans du XXLshadow_gallery a écrit :qu'est ce que c'est que ces attaques ad hominem. Je rentre dans du M, ma copine en met...
DBabar a écrit :Not already sold ?
fdpin ?
Up !
iozz a écrit :After this one, do you have a 79 for sale?
yanissdm a écrit :Eh fuck, I don't like electric guitars anymore.
But just for the deco, a small SG in front of the sofa
Don't forget people, in 1999 Gibson still knew how to build guitars. Times changed...
WooDooCrY a écrit ::mdr:
yanissdm a écrit :WooDooCrY a écrit ::mdr:
Merde, aux abris, on est pisté par Woodoo...
LeGaucher95 a écrit :Another nice guitar on sale (as usual !?..)
Bonne vente
clausura a écrit :LeGaucher95 a écrit :Another nice guitar on sale (as usual !?..)
Bonne vente the last of the last for sell.....
seb a écrit :clausura a écrit :LeGaucher95 a écrit :Another nice guitar on sale (as usual !?..)
Bonne vente the last of the last for sell.....
last for september ?
chris30660 a écrit :I like it !
yanissdm a écrit :Eh fuck, I don't like electric guitars anymore.
But just for the deco, a small SG in front of the sofa
Don't forget people, in 1999 Gibson still knew how to build guitars. Times changed...
blues devil a écrit :yanissdm a écrit :Eh fuck, I don't like electric guitars anymore.
But just for the deco, a small SG in front of the sofa
Don't forget people, in 1999 Gibson still knew how to build guitars. Times changed...
here you go boy and at a price that cannot be beat!
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