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Hi again

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Jeu Fév 04, 2021 1:04 am

Hi all. It's been a long time. Been dealing with a lot of family stuff, didn't play guitar for maybe 4 years. Just saying hello GAS is still a bitch :mrgreen: Some things never change :roll:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 1731
Enregistré le : Mer Nov 02, 2005 11:39 pm
Localisation : Bordeaux
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Re: Hi again

Messagepar chacal » Jeu Fév 04, 2021 8:07 am

Welcome back! :D

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: Hi again

Messagepar etiennao » Jeu Fév 04, 2021 8:43 am

Hello, nice to hear you again, it's probably time to make an inventory of your stock :mrgreen:
I remember especially some great G&L stuff...

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Mega User Lefty
Mega User Lefty
Messages : 449
Enregistré le : Ven Déc 10, 2010 11:20 pm
Localisation : Marne-La-Vallée

Re: Hi again

Messagepar wolf » Jeu Fév 04, 2021 7:25 pm

SouthpawGuy a écrit :Hi all. It's been a long time. Been dealing with a lot of family stuff, didn't play guitar for maybe 4 years. Just saying hello GAS is still a bitch :mrgreen: Some things never change :roll:

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot for showing up. This is very much appreciated.

I wish you would eventually agree to show your collection of about 70 guitars if I remember well.
This must have taken a good part of your life.
If you have seen the ones by, say, Mark Addeo, Willie Duncan, or Sergio here for instance.
I like what Mark Agnesi from Gibson Guitars made on Youtube with The Collection channel.
Having Joe Bonamassa and Brian Ray and others show part of their collection is very nice treat.
Thanks a lot for showing some of your Heritage and G&L guitars to us anyhow.

Keep well

All the best


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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 12546
Enregistré le : Mar Juin 03, 2008 1:44 pm
Localisation : Un bled médieval en sud-périgord (pléonasme)

Re: Hi again

Messagepar captain.bondage » Jeu Fév 04, 2021 9:51 pm

Reversed a écrit :
shadow_gallery a écrit :qu'est ce que c'est que ces attaques ad hominem. Je rentre dans du M, ma copine en met...
aucun mérite, je porte du S et je suis déja rentré plusieurs fois dans du XXL

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:51 am

wolf a écrit :
SouthpawGuy a écrit :Hi all. It's been a long time. Been dealing with a lot of family stuff, didn't play guitar for maybe 4 years. Just saying hello GAS is still a bitch :mrgreen: Some things never change :roll:

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot for showing up. This is very much appreciated.

I wish you would eventually agree to show your collection of about 70 guitars if I remember well.
This must have taken a good part of your life.
If you have seen the ones by, say, Mark Addeo, Willie Duncan, or Sergio here for instance.
I like what Mark Agnesi from Gibson Guitars made on Youtube with The Collection channel.
Having Joe Bonamassa and Brian Ray and others show part of their collection is very nice treat.
Thanks a lot for showing some of your Heritage and G&L guitars to us anyhow.

Keep well

All the best


I posted most here on RG but the links are to a photobucket account which is now dead ( $300 / year at the time).

So I set up my own site here ... http://southpawguy.com/

It's not working 100% right now, some update didn't work correctly :?

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:52 am

chacal a écrit :Welcome back! :D

Merci beaucoup :ok:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:55 am

etiennao a écrit :Hello, nice to hear you again, it's probably time to make an inventory of your stock :mrgreen:
I remember especially some great G&L stuff...

Nothing much has changed, as I mentioned I didn't play for a long time. Not sure which was the last guitar I got, a Fender AV64 Tele I think, must be five years ago :shock:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:56 am

captain.bondage a écrit :Image

Merci Captain :biz:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 2248
Enregistré le : Ven Mai 05, 2006 10:28 pm
Localisation : Paris

Re: Hi again

Messagepar ManaLover » Ven Fév 05, 2021 8:04 am

Welcome back, dude! I hope the family stuff is quieting down and that you'll be able to play some more!
(\_/) This is Bunny.
(0.0) Copy Bunny and this message into your
(><) signature to help him on his way to World Domination.
We are following the will of the One ! Through the dark age and into the storm !

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Lefty "habitué"
Lefty "habitué"
Messages : 526
Enregistré le : Mar Fév 28, 2017 2:13 pm
Localisation : Nantes

Re: Hi again

Messagepar topido » Ven Fév 05, 2021 10:30 am

SouthpawGuy a écrit :
wolf a écrit :
SouthpawGuy a écrit :Hi all. It's been a long time. Been dealing with a lot of family stuff, didn't play guitar for maybe 4 years. Just saying hello GAS is still a bitch :mrgreen: Some things never change :roll:

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot for showing up. This is very much appreciated.

I wish you would eventually agree to show your collection of about 70 guitars if I remember well.
This must have taken a good part of your life.
If you have seen the ones by, say, Mark Addeo, Willie Duncan, or Sergio here for instance.
I like what Mark Agnesi from Gibson Guitars made on Youtube with The Collection channel.
Having Joe Bonamassa and Brian Ray and others show part of their collection is very nice treat.
Thanks a lot for showing some of your Heritage and G&L guitars to us anyhow.

Keep well

All the best


I posted most here on RG but the links are to a photobucket account which is now dead ( $300 / year at the time).

So I set up my own site here ... http://southpawguy.com/

It's not working 100% right now, some update didn't work correctly :?

You still got them?
A little feedback on the ones you liked (or loved) would be much appreciated (I believe)! :ok: :ok:

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 1731
Enregistré le : Mer Nov 02, 2005 11:39 pm
Localisation : Bordeaux
Contact :

Re: Hi again

Messagepar chacal » Ven Fév 05, 2021 11:06 am


i want the 3120. and the 2550. and the diablo. and the soloist. and the luke.


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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 11:59 am

topido a écrit :
SouthpawGuy a écrit :
wolf a écrit :
SouthpawGuy a écrit :Hi all. It's been a long time. Been dealing with a lot of family stuff, didn't play guitar for maybe 4 years. Just saying hello GAS is still a bitch :mrgreen: Some things never change :roll:

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot for showing up. This is very much appreciated.

I wish you would eventually agree to show your collection of about 70 guitars if I remember well.
This must have taken a good part of your life.
If you have seen the ones by, say, Mark Addeo, Willie Duncan, or Sergio here for instance.
I like what Mark Agnesi from Gibson Guitars made on Youtube with The Collection channel.
Having Joe Bonamassa and Brian Ray and others show part of their collection is very nice treat.
Thanks a lot for showing some of your Heritage and G&L guitars to us anyhow.

Keep well

All the best


I posted most here on RG but the links are to a photobucket account which is now dead ( $300 / year at the time).

So I set up my own site here ... http://southpawguy.com/

It's not working 100% right now, some update didn't work correctly :?

You still got them?
A little feedback on the ones you liked (or loved) would be much appreciated (I believe)! :ok: :ok:

I still have them , last time I sold a guitar was the mid '80s

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Lefty "habitué"
Lefty "habitué"
Messages : 526
Enregistré le : Mar Fév 28, 2017 2:13 pm
Localisation : Nantes

Re: Hi again

Messagepar topido » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:01 pm

:love: :love: :clap: :clap:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Hi again

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Fév 05, 2021 12:03 pm

chacal a écrit :wow.

i want the 3120. and the 2550. and the diablo. and the soloist. and the luke.


Here's a gathering you don't see often ... Ibanez RG3120, Kramer Pacer Imperial and Hamer Diablo all in the one shot. The others are an 81 G&L F100 and a Legacy HB.

Fichiers joints

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Lefty "habitué"
Lefty "habitué"
Messages : 577
Enregistré le : Lun Sep 05, 2016 1:23 pm
Localisation : Bordeaux

Re: Hi again

Messagepar Misery-corde » Ven Fév 05, 2021 1:08 pm

Soooooo nice.
And welcome Back.

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Mega User Lefty
Mega User Lefty
Messages : 449
Enregistré le : Ven Déc 10, 2010 11:20 pm
Localisation : Marne-La-Vallée

Re: Hi again

Messagepar wolf » Ven Fév 05, 2021 5:14 pm

SouthpawGuy a écrit :I still have them , last time I sold a guitar was the mid '80s

Thanks a lot for providing us with the URL of your website, Paul.
You show a really great collection of guitars which do not get much devaluated overally.
Thanks to you I discovered the ESP S-800 and the Heritage VIP-2.

As though X-Mas showed up a bit late eventually!
What a very nice present from you! Many thanks again.
You rule!

Keep well
All the best


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