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Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Déc 21, 2022 12:57 am

I'm sure I asked this question before, but I've searched and can't find it so ...

Options for a vintage style bridge for an American Std Tele ?


Easy enough to find in right hand but in lefty ?

By vintage I mean with ashtray and brass saddles, can be six saddle like G&L uses for it's ASAT Classic, or three saddle, but it has to fit an American Std Tele, from 1998.

I got this Tele new in '98, I had the pickups changed to SCN noiseless maybe 10 years ago, it never sounded like a Tele anyway so the SCNs make little difference.

I'd like to at least try and get it to twang a little as it has zero twang in it, never had, not even with the original pickups. Totally bland actually.

As far as I know the mounting holes are different for the Am Std so a G&L bridge will not fit it.

Any ideas ? I know some of you like to tinker and mod, I've never been into that.

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar captain.bondage » Mer Déc 21, 2022 2:03 am

Have you tried just to change the saddles only ? (cause find a fiting bridge in lefty will be quite a challenge)

Anyway, the 90's US standard pickup and the noiseless have both the reputation not to twang.

And beware, maybe it's because of medium jumbo frets and their sometimes imprecise attack
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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Déc 21, 2022 12:30 pm

I might just end up doing that.

I'm sure I asked this question before on RG, but it was probably a long time back and someone mentioned a particular brand, I have no clue what it was.

JacSter Stracci
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar JacSter Stracci » Mer Déc 21, 2022 7:08 pm

Callaham does exactly what you need!

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Déc 21, 2022 7:16 pm

JacSter Stracci a écrit :Callaham does exactly what you need!

Very good, thanks, I will have to check them out :ok:

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Déc 21, 2022 9:20 pm

Posting this here so I can find it again :)

Might also be of use to someone else

Hipshot ....

Telecaster® Retrofit Bridge
UPC: 840000923417
SKU: 44100-33-SS-L

https://hipshotproducts.com/collections ... 3761132360

edit to add dimensions and photo

Hipshot LH Tele 3 hole bridge.jpg

Hipshot LH Tele 3 hole bridge 2.jpg

both from here .... https://www.solomusicgear.com/product/h ... d-saddles/

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Localisation : Un bled médieval en sud-périgord (pléonasme)

Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar captain.bondage » Mer Déc 21, 2022 10:47 pm

They don't have the side to put the ashtray.
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shadow_gallery a écrit :qu'est ce que c'est que ces attaques ad hominem. Je rentre dans du M, ma copine en met...
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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Déc 21, 2022 10:58 pm

captain.bondage a écrit :They don't have the side to put the ashtray.

Yes, very true, I'm doing a lot of googling. You would think something so simple would be easy to find !

Both the Schecter PT Special and even the new Fender Am Pro II Tele use the vintage 4 hole mounted bridge, i.e. the vintage style


PT Special 2.jpg

JacSter Stracci
Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Dim Déc 06, 2015 9:16 pm
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar JacSter Stracci » Jeu Déc 22, 2022 5:43 pm

I was pretty sure that callaham did make the ashtray for Am Std but indeed they have no sides either.
Glendale makes some! You’ll have to ask for a lefty one since it’s not on their website but maybe it could happen!


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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
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Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Jeu Déc 22, 2022 5:52 pm

JacSter Stracci a écrit :I was pretty sure that callaham did make the ashtray for Am Std but indeed they have no sides either.
Glendale makes some! You’ll have to ask for a lefty one since it’s not on their website but maybe it could happen!


Thanks for that.

There seems to be lots of lefty vintage 4 hole replacement bridges, but few 3 hole ones, typical.

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Vintage style bridge for American Std Tele ?

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Dim Déc 25, 2022 11:39 pm

Just leaving this link here , a thread on TDPRI

https://www.tdpri.com/threads/left-hand ... ge.711617/

Lots of info in there, I've only glanced at it.

Kluson make a Hybrid tele bridge ... 3 hole modern mounting but with vintage style 3 saddles ... but not in lefty :evil:

https://www.kluson.com/kluson-hybrid-re ... tails.html

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