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DBabar ---- you've got mail

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Jeu Mai 01, 2014 4:57 pm

Don't know if email notifications are working right now, so ......

DBabar ... please check your private messages, you've got mail

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar DBabar » Jeu Mai 01, 2014 7:09 pm

I see but not in front of my computer ;)
@gmail.com are banned from subscription to avoid mass bot subscription :(
Best option is to register with another mail provider and I will update by hand his/her email .
Image - Devin addict ! - Who's DBabar ? - MonEspace - Le topic des évolutions du forum - GoogleWebmastersTools - No GAS depuis 12/2014

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Jeu Mai 01, 2014 7:31 pm

DBabar a écrit :I see but not in front of my computer ;)
@gmail.com are banned from subscription to avoid mass bot subscription :(
Best option is to register with another mail provider and I will update by hand his/her email .

Gmail banned ? My email is a gmail address, and I registered , in 2011.

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Mai 21, 2014 11:42 am

Testing 1 2 3 ....

DBabar .. did you get the pm ( mp ) I sent you yesterday ?

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar DBabar » Mer Mai 21, 2014 12:47 pm

Yes I am but still the same answer.

If we open the gmail.com or gmx.de domains, as account creation is validated by humain reviewer, folk will be flooded of bots !
We are doing our best to maintain this forum as clean as possible and it is time consuming as you can figure out ;)

A I mentioned, I am looking to more sophisticated methods to avoid bots subscription but it seems that there is no magic solution.
Capatcha are broken, human question can only block the time a spammer find the answer, IP filtering is far for efficient due to botnets and so on ...

I'm very sorry, the only way I can find now, is to register with a email not in gmail.com and gmx.de and after just contact me to do to email change to the right one.
Image - Devin addict ! - Who's DBabar ? - MonEspace - Le topic des évolutions du forum - GoogleWebmastersTools - No GAS depuis 12/2014

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Mai 21, 2014 2:48 pm

Ok, got that. Is there a list of email providers that work to register on RG ?

Maybe list them here or send them to me by private message.


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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
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Enregistré le : Dim Aoû 31, 2008 9:49 pm
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Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar DBabar » Sam Mai 31, 2014 7:51 pm

Normally, situation should be ok for this user.
I have now a process to exclude some banned domain manually ... but a process !

Could you confirm us that this person could now connect to this forum ?

Thanks Paul and long life to Irland !
Image - Devin addict ! - Who's DBabar ? - MonEspace - Le topic des évolutions du forum - GoogleWebmastersTools - No GAS depuis 12/2014

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: DBabar ---- you've got mail

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Dim Juin 01, 2014 1:39 am

#p241089" class="postlink">DBabar » Sat May 31, 2014 6:51 pm a écrit :Normally, situation should be ok for this user.
I have now a process to exclude some banned domain manually ... but a process !

Could you confirm us that this person could now connect to this forum ?

Thanks Paul and long life to Irland !

Yes, the member has managed to sign up, he messaged me on another forum :ok:

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