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NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

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NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Mar Aoû 15, 2017 7:32 pm


i have received my Custom Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET
about two weeks ago and i thought that some of you guys might be interested to see the axe.

First of all, dealing with Claudio is a real pleasure, he took all the time to listen to my
requirements and did not hesitate to realise any little detail i was asking for.

The overall communication is superb, i never had to wait for a reply, even if it was
random chat about this and that.

Claudio also did everything to make this guitar perfect,
asking twice before going a step further with the build just to make sure everything is correct!

As far as the build quality, Claudio is a true master, i have received a stunning and absolutely
flawless instrument, which nowadays can not be taken as granted considering all the
shitty scam luthiers out there.

I also made a build thread a while ago, so if you are interested in the exact
specs and generally pictures from the build click here
http://sevenstring.org/threads/rusti-gu ... ld.318653/

As i already said, the build quality is extraordinary, everything sits perfectly!
So far i was not able to find any flaw, which is quite funny as i am a very picky
person and usually notice any little imperfection immediately.

The sound is amazing aswell, the whole guitar is resonating when i play it dry,
amped every note is crystal clear even with high amounts of distortion.

I was a bit skeptical about the Fishman in the beginning but now i am glad that
i picked it, i've seem many people declaring them as HYPE but i must disagree,
no hype the flunece 7 slays!

This is also my second Evertune guitar and i can not think of playing a regular guitar
ever again!

The Evertune bridge is simply the best thing you can do to an electric guitar!
It's not just about tuning and staying in tune, the whole instrument sounds better
with an Evertune. The intonation is perfect and whenever you change the strings
there is no need to stretch them extensively.

If you have ever recorded a regular guitar you will know what i am talking about
and why i am so enthusiastic! :D

As of now i could not be happier and i can't think of any other guitar i would wish for
at this moment.

If you do not know who Claudio is, check out his Facebook page "Rusti Guitars"
and if you are looking for a flawless new Custom guitar this is the place to go!

Enough of them words here's some pics!















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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar cheps » Mar Aoû 15, 2017 7:56 pm



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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar seb » Mar Aoû 15, 2017 8:09 pm

Take a look to Darius guitarz
- Dis papa, c'est encore loin le high gain ?
- Tais toi et crunch !!!!!

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar BenoitV » Mar Aoû 15, 2017 8:25 pm

Looks really good! :ok:
How long did it take to receive it ?

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar pascalito » Mar Aoû 15, 2017 10:43 pm

:ok: very beautiful with essential gear,
this guitar kill! :wink:

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 8:39 am

:ok: :flmnc:

what do you mean exactly?
i have just received this beauty, not really looking into buying another axe!

thanks man, how's the Regius doing?
the rusti took roughly 9 months to be completed!

thanks man, yeah i really like it simple when it comes to guitars!
Modifié en dernier par FIXXXER le Mer Aoû 16, 2017 9:27 am, modifié 1 fois.

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar seb » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 8:47 am

Just to notice you a very gifted french lefty luthier that make such good hardwork.
- Dis papa, c'est encore loin le high gain ?
- Tais toi et crunch !!!!!

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar ManaLover » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 8:56 am

Yep, that's a gorgeous piece of woodwork alright. Any chance we might get some samples? I'm curious about the pickup!
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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 9:30 am

ah ok, i'll check him out!

i only have a very short loop so far, did not have much time to record!
The fishman is amazing, very tight and absolutely quiet even when you play very hi gain stuff.

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar ManaLover » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 9:36 am

FIXXXER a écrit :i only have a very short loop so far, did not have much time to record!
The fishman is amazing, very tight and absolutely quiet even when you play very hi gain stuff.

Sounds good (though the band mix obviously affects the way you hear the guitar...)!

On another note: where can we hear more of your music, since you only have two very short tracks on soundcloud? :mrgreen:
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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar AmePsyMe » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 10:20 am

it's a real beauty! make me wanna have a seven string :)
Rock on!

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 11:18 am

i use the dropbox just to post snippets etc. though i must admit i do not have anything
NEW at this moment, i can send you some old stuff of course! :D

i'll see if i can get some guitars recorded without drums abd bass.

thanks man! :)

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar BenoitV » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 6:36 pm

FIXXXER a écrit :@BenoitV
thanks man, how's the Regius doing?
the rusti took roughly 9 months to be completed!

The Regius was great but after a couple of years I sold it. :roll: It has been shipped to Japan, I guess we will never see it again :mdr:

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Lefty Sympa
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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Mer Aoû 16, 2017 10:53 pm

yeah man i know that feeling, sometimes, even if the guitar is phenomenal i just sell it and buy something new.
i hope you still had a great time with the regius! :)

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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FlexJul » Jeu Aoû 17, 2017 9:53 pm

Outstanding metal machine right there :guitar: :ok:

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Lefty Sympa
Lefty Sympa
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Re: NGD Rusti Guitars Paradox LH-7 ET!

Messagepar FIXXXER » Ven Aoû 18, 2017 8:55 pm

thanks! :)

btw i really need to get used to the 7 strings it's much harder than i thought! :shock:

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