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Marshall sold to Swedish company Zound Industries

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
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Marshall sold to Swedish company Zound Industries

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Mer Avr 05, 2023 1:02 am

This may not be news to some, but it suprised me ....

""Zound Industries Acquires Marshall Amplification, Forms Marshall Group

Swedish tech company Zound Industries is acquiring Marshall Amplification. The two will launch the newly formed Marshall Group as one company.""

https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/0 ... ification/

https://www.zoundindustries.com/news/ma ... technology

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 12545
Enregistré le : Mar Juin 03, 2008 1:44 pm
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Re: Marshall sold to Swedish company Zound Industries

Messagepar captain.bondage » Mer Avr 05, 2023 9:45 am

From the aspect of their site, Zound seems to be more of a product/marketing oriented company than a tech/R&D oriented one.
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shadow_gallery a écrit :qu'est ce que c'est que ces attaques ad hominem. Je rentre dans du M, ma copine en met...
aucun mérite, je porte du S et je suis déja rentré plusieurs fois dans du XXL

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
Enregistré le : Mer Juil 27, 2011 7:13 pm
Localisation : Ireland

Re: Marshall sold to Swedish company Zound Industries

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Ven Avr 07, 2023 7:20 pm

It certainly seems an odd move from Marshall. Maybe Brexit has caused problems exporting from the UK to other countries ?

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